G8 synchronization

G8021 21" Panel
The G8021 is a window-based panel PC running DSE Scada a software designed for the 8 series paralleling controller platform. The unit provides a 1920 x 1080 LED-backlit capacitive touchscreen display. When mounted, the units offer IP66 protection and the powerful Intel processor ensures smooth operation. The unit is connected to DSE G8 Series controllers via Ethernet.
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G8015 15" Panel
The G8015 is a window-based panel PC running DSE Scada software designed for use with the G8 series paralleling controller platform. The unit provides a 1920 x 1080 LED-backlit capacitive touchscreen display. When mounted, the units offer IP66 protection and the powerful Intel processor ensures smooth operation. The unit is connected to DSE G8 Series controllers via Ethernet.
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G8 Series Scada
DSE Scada is a secure software that provides advanced multi-set monitoring & commissioning functionality for G8 series controllers. The stand-alone software is downloaded from the DSE website and installed onto a Windows-based laptop/desktop machine. The software can be configured to connect with individual/multiple generators on the same site. Users can gain full system overviews from any remote location with an Internet connection.
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G8600 Parallel Genset
User configurable as Single-Set Controller/ Multi-Set Controller/ Auto Mains (Utility) Failure Controller/ Group Controller
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G8660 Mains Controller
The G8660 is an ATS / Mains (Utility) controller with an integral heater designed to work with the G8600 that is configured for use as a multi-set controller. The G8660 allows multiple generators to synchronize with a mains (utility) supply and controls switching power between generator and mains (utility) sources, without loss of supply to the load.
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G8680 Bus-Tie
The G8680 controls a generator bus-tie breaker. It automatically manages the synchronizing of the 2 buses using the AMSC (advanced multi-set communications) link and has a built-in check sync function. The controller has been designed to work with the DSEG8600 when configured as a single-set / multi-set or mains (utility) controller and with the dedicated G8660 mains (utility) controller.
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